Coconut, Sister of mankind: the hunt for lost varieties
A public lecture about coconut palms and their genetic ressources, an ambitious research project for French Polynesia, Samoa and Fiji, and press release linked to these activities

Cocotier, Soeur des hommes: à la recherche des variétés perdues
ne conférence grand public sur le cocotier, un ambitieux projet de recherche en Polynésie Française, à Samoa et au Fidji, et les réactions de la presse à ces initiatives

Thursday, January 05, 2006

My main publications


Cocotier : guide des variétés traditionnelles et améliorées.
Bourdeix R., Konan J.L. and N’Cho Y.P., 2005. Montpellier, France, Editions Diversiflora,104 p.

Coconut. A guide to traditional and improved varieties.
Bourdeix R., Konan J.L. and N’Cho Y.P., 2005. Montpellier, France, Editions Diversiflora,104 p.

Book chapters:

In: Status of coconut genetic resources.
Batugal P., Ramanatha Rao V. Eds., 2005. Serdang, Malaysia, IPGRI-APO.

  1. Bourdeix R., Guarino L., Mathur P., Baudouin L. coconut diversity.
  2. Bourdeix R., Guarino L., Baudouin L. Collecting: status, gaps and strategy.
  3. Bourdeix R., Batugal P. Catalogue of conserved germplasm and farmers’ varieties.
  4. Bourdeix R., Santos G., Labouisse J.P., Baudouin L. Useful definitions of terms & nomenclature.
  5. Baudouin L., Rognon F., Bourdeix R. Development Strategies for Improving Varieties of Coconut.
  6. Ramanatha Rao V., Hodgkin T., Bourdeix R. Locating coconut genetic diversity.
  7. Hamelin C., Bourdeix R., Baudouin L. International Coconut Genetic Database.

In: Coconut hybrids for smallholders.
Batugal P., Benigno D. and Oliver J. Eds., 2005. Serdang, Malaysia, IPGRI-APO.

  1. Bourdeix R., Baudouin L., Konan J.L. Coconut hybrids developed by CIRAD and its partner institutions.
  2. Konan J.L. Bourdeix R. Production of coconut hybrid seednuts.
  3. Plus 16 Coconut varietal descriptions scattered on all the book chapters (texts and/or pictures), in association with researchers of various countries.

Lebrun P., N’Cho Y.P., Bourdeix R., Baudouin L., 2003. In: Genetic diversity of cultivated tropical plants, Hamon P., Seguin M., Perrier X., Glaszmann J.C., Eds. Montpellier, France, Science Publishers and CIRAD, pp. 219-239.

Bourdeix R., Baudouin L., Billotte N., Labouisse J.P., Noiret J.M., 2001. In: Tropical plant breeding, Charrier A., Jacquot M., Hamon S., Nicolas D., Eds. Montpellier, France, Science Publishers and CIRAD, pp. 106-127.

Selection and breeding.
Bourdeix R., 1999. In: Modern coconut management: palm cultivation and products, Olher J.G., Ed. London, United Kingdom, Intermediate Technology Publications, pp. 117-195.

Le cocotier.
Lebrun P., N’Cho Y.P., Bourdeix R., Baudouin L., 1999. In: Diversité génétique des plantes tropicales cultivées. Hamon P., Seguin M., Perrier X., Glaszmann J.C., Eds. Montpellier, France, CIRAD, pp. 219-239.

Recent progress on coconut micropropagation through a joined effort involving different countries.
Verdeil J.L., Hornung R., Jacobsen H.J., Rillo E., Oropeza C., Bourdeix R., N'Cho Y.P., Hocher V., Hamon S., Sangaré A., 1999. In: Current Advances in Coconut Biotechnology, C. Oropeza J.L., Verdeil J.L., Ashburner R., Cardeña R. and Santamaría J.M., Eds. Boston, USA, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.183-196.

Le cocotier.
Bourdeix R., Baudouin L., Labouisse J.P., Noiret J.M., 1997. In: L’amélioration des plantes tropicales. Charrier A., Jacquot M., Hamon S., Nicolas D., Eds. Montpellier, France, CIRAD, pp. 217-239.


Coconut germplasm collecting, characterisation and conservation in Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands and Tuvalu: Project LOA IPGRI 00/015, March 2000-February 2001. Final report. Labouisse J.P., Bourdeix R., 2003. Santo, Vanuatu, VARTC, 126 p.

Rundown of CIRAD activities in connexion with the CGRD database.
Baudouin L., Bonnot F., Bourdeix R., Hamelin C., Labouisse J.P., Rouzière A., 2000. Montpellier, France, CIRAD-CP, 35 p.

Consultancy report on coconut collecting strategies: ADB-CGRNAP report.
Bourdeix R., Baudouin L., Ollivier J., Labouisse J.P., 1999. Montpellier, France, CIRAD-CP, 110 p.

Training operations in Africa and Latin America/Caribbean. Training courses for instructors on the use of the STANTECH manual (standardized research techniques for coconut breeding).
Bourdeix R., 1997. Montpellier, France, CIRAD-CP, 60 p.

Coconut germplasm in Tanzania, Sri Lanka and India.
Bourdeix R., 1997. Montpellier, France, CIRAD-CP, 49 p.

Coconut germplasm in Jamaica, Mexico and Brazil, 5th November to 11th December 1995.
Bourdeix R., 1996. Montpellier, France, CIRAD-CP, 53 p.

La sélection du cocotier Cocos nucifera L. Etude théorique et pratique, optimisation des stratégies d'amélioration génétique.
Bourdeix R., 1989.Thèse de doctorat en sciences, Université de Paris XI, Orsay, France, 130 p.


Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) genetic improvement in Vanuatu: overview of research achievements from 1962 to 2002. Part 2: Improvement of the Vanuatu Tall by hybridization.
Labouisse J.P., Sileye T., Morin J.P., Hamelin C., Baudouin L., Bourdeix R., Rouzière A., 2005. Oléagineux, corps gras, lipides, vol. 12, 2, pp. 170-179.

Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) genetic improvement in Vanuatu: overview of research achievements form 1962 to 2002. Part 1: Improvement of the Vanuatu tall by mass selection .
Labouisse J.P., Sileye T., Morin J.P., Hamelin C., Baudouin L., Bourdeix R., Rouzière A., 2004. Oléagineux, corps gras, lipides, vol. 11, 4-5, pp. 354-361.

Phytophthora katsurae (Phythiaceae) du cocotier en Côte d’Ivoire: tolérances variétales de 53 hybrides et données épidémiologiques de base. Allou Kouassi, Bourdeix R., Aké S., Konan J.L., Zakra N., 2002. Agronomie africaine, vol. 14, 2, pp. 99-115.

Coconut varieties of Niu Kafa. Bourdeix R., Tuia V., Fili L.M., Kumar V., 2002. Cogent newsletter, 5, pp. 14-15.

CNRA Marc Delorme helps Mozambique coconut research programme. Konan J.L., Bourdeix R., 2002. Cogent newsletter, 5, pp. 11.

A new generation of high-value coconut hybrid seednuts in Africa. Konan J.L., Koffi B., Allou K., Bourdeix R., 2002. Cogent newsletter, 5, pp. 10.

Construction of a linkage map of the Rennell Island Tall coconut type (Cocos nucifera L.) and QTL analysis for yield characters. Lebrun P., Baudouin L., Bourdeix R., Konan J.L., Barker J.H.A., Aldam C., Herran A., Ritter E., 2001. Génome, vol. 44, 6, pp. 962-970.

COGENT establishes an International Coconut Genetic Resources Database (CGRD).
Baudouin L., Bourdeix R., Bonnot F., Hamelin C., Rouzière A., 2000. COGENT Newsletter, 3, pp. 1-2.

Coconut varieties: Malayan Dwarf. Bourdeix R., 1999. COGENT Newsletter, 2, pp. 13-16.

Collaboration internationale pour la maîtrise de la multiplication végétative in vitro du cocotier (Cocos nucifera L.) Hocher V., Verdeil J.L., Grosdemange F., Huet C., Bourdeix R., N’Cho Y.P., Sangaré A., Hornung R., Jacobsen H.J., Rillo E.P., Oropeza C., Hamon S., 1998. Cahiers Agricultures, vol. 7, 6, pp. 499-505.

Etude de la diversité génétique du cocotier par RFLP. Lebrun P., Baudouin L., Seguin M., N’Cho Y.P., Bourdeix R., 1995. Oléagineux, corps gras, lipides, vol. 2, 6, pp. 418-420.

Rythmes de production chez le cocotier Nain (Cocos nucifera L.) ; étude de l'alternance castration production comme mode de gestion des champs semenciers. Bourdeix R., N’Cho Y.P., Sangaré A., 1994. Agronomie africaine, VI, 2, pp. 77-162.

Evaluation de quelques écotypes de cocotier par une approche biométrique. I. Etude des populations de Grands. N’Cho Y.P., Sangaré A., Bourdeix R., Bonnot F., Baudouin L., 1993. Oléagineux, 48, pp. 121- 132.

Influence du sens du croisement sur la production de huit hybrides entre écotypes Nains et Grands. Bourdeix R., N’Cho Y.P., 1992. Oléagineux, 47, pp. 113-118.

L'hybride de cocotier PB121 amélioré, croisement de Nain Jaune Malaisie et de géniteurs Grand Ouest Africain améliorés. Bourdeix R., N’Cho Y.P., Sangaré A., Baudouin L., Nucé de Lamothe M. de, 1992. Oléagineux, 47, pp. 619-633.

Une stratégie de sélection du cocotier. Synthèse des acquis. Bourdeix R., N’Cho Y.P., Le Saint J.P., 1990. Oléagineux, 45, pp. 359-371.

Une stratégie de sélection du cocotier Cocos nucifera L. II. Amélioration des hybrides Grand x Grand. Bourdeix R., Meunier J., N’Cho Y.P., 1991a. Oléagineux, 46, pp. 267-282.

Une stratégie de sélection du cocotier Cocos nucifera L. III. Amélioration des hybrides Nain x Grand. Bourdeix R., Meunier J., N’Cho Y.P., 1991b. Oléagineux, 46, pp. 361-374.

Premiers résultats de l'étude des polyphénols foliaires du cocotier.
Jay M., Bourdeix R., Potier F., Sanlaville C., 1989. Oléagineux, 44, pp. 151-161.

Efficacité des tests hybrides d'aptitude individuelle à la combinaison chez le cocotier: premiers résultats. Bourdeix R., Sangaré A., Le Saint J.P., 1989. Oléagineux, 44, pp. 209- 214.

Déterminisme génétique de la couleur du germe chez les cocotiers nains. Bourdeix R., 1988. Oléagineux, 43, pp. 371-374.

Efficacité de la sélection massale sur les composantes du rendement chez le cocotier.
Bourdeix R., 1988. Oléagineux, 43, pp. 283-295.


The coconut breeding programme at the National Agronomic Research Center (CNRA, Côte d’Ivoire). Konan J.L., Bourdeix R., Ouraga Y., Ballo K., 2004. In: Abstracts of the International LINK2PALM 2004 Symposium on application of biotechnology to coconut and oil palm, April 19-21, 2004, Manila.

Recent progress on coconut micropropagation through a joined effort involving different countries. Verdeil J.L., Hornung R., Jacobsen H.J., Rillo E.P., Oropeza C., Bourdeix R., N’Cho Y.P., Hocher V., Hamon S., Sangaré A., 1999. In: Current advances in coconut biotechnology. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coconut Biotechnology, December 1-5, 1997, Merida, Mexico. Oropeza C., Verdeil J.L., Ashburner G.R., Cardena R., Santamaria J.M., Eds. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic, pp.391-405.

The international coconut genetic resources database: rationale, progress, constraints and plans for the short and long term. Bourdeix R., Baudouin L., Bonnot F., Hamelin C., 1998. In: ADB-COGENT Meeting. October, 28-30, 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Coconut breeding programme in Côte d’Ivoire. Bourdeix R., N’Cho Y.P., Sangaré A., 1998. In: Coconut breeding. Workshop on Standardization of Coconut Breeding Research Techniques, June 20-25, 1994, Port Bouet, Côte d’Ivoire. Batugal P.A., Ramanatha Rao V., Eds. IPGRI-APO, Serdang, Malaysia, pp. 101-113.

Africa, Côte d’Ivoire. Proposed 7-years workplan and budget for regional genebanks.
N’Cho Y.P., Sangaré A., Bourdeix R., 1998. In: Proceedings of the COGENT Regional Coconut Genebank Planning Workshop, February 26-28, 1996, Kekanbaru, Indonesia. Ramanatha Rao V., Batugal P., Eds. Rome, Italy, IPGRI, pp. 104-111.

CIRAD’s projects and activities related to promoting multipurpose uses of coconut and enhancing farmers income. Rouzière A., Bourdeix R., Baudouin L., 1998. IFAD Funded Project Annual Meeting, Paper presented at a Workshop on Sustainable use of Coconut Genetic Resources to Enhance Incomes and Nutrition of Coconut Smallholders in the Asia and Pacific Region. November, 2-4, 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The International Coconut Genetic Resources Database: rationale, progress, constraints and plans for the short and long terms. Bourdeix R., Baudouin L., Bonnot F., Hamelin C., 1998. Paper presented at a Workshop on Coconut Genetic Resources Strengthening in Asia and the Pacific Region, Asian Development Bank Funded Project Annual Meeting, October, 28-31, 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The coconut genetic resources and their utilization at the IDEFOR/DPO Marc Delorme station (Côte d’Ivoire). Sangaré A., N’Cho Y.P., Bourdeix R., 1998. In: Trees for life, the key to development. Proceedings of the international cashew and coconut conference, February, 17-21, 1997, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Reading, United Kingdom, BioHybrids International, pp.385-393.

Coconut genetic resources and their utilization at the IDEFOR/DPO Marc Delorme station (Côte d’Ivoire). N’Cho Y.P., Sangaré A., Bourdeix R., 1997. In: International workshop on lethal yellowing-like diseases of coconut, November 06-10, 1995, Elmina, Ghana, Eden Green S.J., Ofori F., Eds. Chatham, United Kingdom, NRI, pp. 153-162.

Coconut Breeding at IRHO and its application in seed production. Bourdeix R., Sangaré A., Le Saint J.P., Meunier J., Gascon J.P., Rognon F., Nucé de Lamothe M. de, 1993. In: Advances in Coconut Research and Development, Proceedings of the Platinium Jubilee of Coconut Research in India, Nair M.K. and al. Eds. Kasaragod, India, Kerala Agricultural University, pp. 79-94.

Coconut genetic improvement, results and prospects - European research working for coconut (Résultats et perspectives de l'amélioration génétique du cocotier - La recherche européenne au service du cocotier). Bourdeix, R., N'Cho Y.P., Sangaré A., Baudouin L., 1993. Seminar proceedings, 8-10 September 1993. Montpellier, France, CIRAD-CP, pp. 15-39.

Effectiveness of hybrid individual combining ability tests in coconut: initial results.
Bourdeix R., Sangaré A., Le Saint J.P., 1991. In: Proceedings of National Symposium on Coconut Breeding and Management, November 23-26, 1988, Silas E.G., Aravindakshan M., Jose A.I. Eds. Vellanikkara, Trichur, India, Kerala Agricultural University, 380 p.