Coconut, Sister of mankind: the hunt for lost varieties
A public lecture about coconut palms and their genetic ressources, an ambitious research project for French Polynesia, Samoa and Fiji, and press release linked to these activities

Cocotier, Soeur des hommes: à la recherche des variétés perdues
ne conférence grand public sur le cocotier, un ambitieux projet de recherche en Polynésie Française, à Samoa et au Fidji, et les réactions de la presse à ces initiatives

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mission 2010, Fiji Islands

During our last trip in Polynesia, Two public lectures about coconut palm conservation were conducted in Fiji. The first one was held at the University of South Pacific in Fiji, with about 50 people listening although the heavy rain after Cyclone Tomas.
The second lecture was held at a Regional Workshop held from 15th to 19th March 2010 at Novotel, Nadi. This last meeting was attended by 20 participants from 8 SPC member countries. We also invited stakeholders of the tourism industry to attend our lecture, and we were very happy that they came !
Thanks for coming to Mr. Viilame Ratugolea (Waya Lailai Resort), Mr. Jerry And Alumita Sovatabua (Botaira Beach Resort), and Ms Elenoa Nimacere, Hospitality Manager (South Sea Island). Resort owners were interested to be involved in conservation and ecotourism programs.

Another paper from Emile Adams: